Customs Clearance

Song Trieu provides comprehensive customs declaration services, helping our valued customers save time with reasonable fees, ensuring a fast and smooth customs clearance process, and minimizing any potential issues.

With the guiding principle of "Superb commitment, transporting essence," Song Trieu's customs declaration services ensure: 


1. What is customs declaration?

Customs Declaration is the mandatory process of providing official documentations for goods to be imported in and exported from the customs territory of Vietnam.

2. Purpose of customs declaration

Customs declaration serves various purposes, but there are two main objectives:

To manage goods and ensure that goods entering or leaving Vietnam's territory do not fall under prohibited categories, such as drugs, firearms, etc. Official exports cannot include antiquities or wild animals taken out of Vietnam.

The process facilitates the transparency in determining and collecting customs duty. Therefore, the process is vital for the economic development and social security in Vietnam.

3. Online Customs Declaration Process & Procedures:

Basically, the basic customs procedure includes the following steps:

Step 1: The full declarations documents includes:

  • Commercial contract (contract): 1 copy
  • Commercial Invoice: 1 copy
  • Packing list (P/L): 1 original copy
  • Airway Bill / Bill of Lading (AwB, B/L)
  • Certificate of Origin (C/O): 1 original copy
  • Documents required may vary depending on each type of goods.

Depending on the features, materials, intended use, and nature of the product, customs will require businesses to provide some of the following documents:

  • Import License
  • Quality Inspection Registration Form
  • Detailed Goods Catalogue
  • Certificate of Product Quality (C/Q)
  • Cosmetic Product Declaration Form (for cosmetic products)

And other documents if required by customs authorities.

Step 2: Submit the customs declaration on the Ecus5 online customs declaration system and wait for the declaration to be routed. After completing the submission, attach the INVOICE to the "declaration management" section on the Ecus5 system. Additionally, for goods that require a license, businesses need to apply for the license in advance and provide all necessary license information in the customs declaration.

Bước 3: Prepare documentations for opening customs procedures. The declarations are divided into: Green Lane, Yellow Lane and Red Lane. The results of lane divisions define the later process of customs checks.

  •  Green lane: Businesses print the customs declaration and proceed with tax payment.
  •  Yellow lane: Customs authorities inspect the paper documents of the shipment.
  •  Red lane: The goods are subject to physical inspection.

Preparing documents according to the specific customs lane and type of goods:

Customs declaration lane Air cargo General cargo Hàng nguyên container
Green Lane
Check-Free Declaration
Customs Barcode
Declaration forms
Customs Barcode
Declaration forms
Customs Barcode
Declaration forms
Yellow Lane Declaration forms
Declaration forms
Declaration forms
Red Lane Declaration forms
Packing list
Declaration forms
Packing list
Declaration forms
Packing list

Bước 4: Complete customs duty clearance and close customs procedures following the government's customs regulations. The customs duty is determined regarding to goods valuations, tariffs and international trade agreements.

Bước 5: Customs Clearance. After completing the declaration procedures, the goods are imported into the bonded warehouse. If the goods are requested to have quality checks, importers must conduct customs quality checks and hang-over the Certificate of Conformity (CoC) to the customs officer before selling goods to the domestic market.

Here is the complete procedure of customs declarations. Should you have any questions and consultation needs, please contact us for our customs solutions.
